Sunday, February 27, 2011: Shell Script: Testing Gzip « from the old blog archive »
I found this old shell script I have written long time ago. I called it httpgztest
NOGZ=`wget "$1" -q -O- | wc -c`
echo "Without gzip: $NOGZ"
YESGZ=`wget --header="Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate" "$1" -q -O- | wc -c`
echo "With gzip: $YESGZ"
RATIO=`echo "scale=3;$YESGZ/$NOGZ" | bc`
echo "Compression ratio: $RATIO"
if [ $YESGZ -ge $NOGZ ]; then
echo "Gzip is not enabled for this URL. Go check."
To use it, run it, passing URL as the argument
and it shows the compression ratio.
Without gzip: 79851
With gzip: 20839
Compression ratio: .260
And if the first and the second number are the same, i.e., the compression ratio is 1, then your gzip is not working.
Without gzip: 1820
With gzip: 1820
Compression ratio: 1.000
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